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1. Wyrażenie Zgody.

Jeśli wyrażasz zgodę na przetwarzanie Twoich danych osobowych przez naszych Zaufanych Partnerów, które udostępniasz w historii przeglądania stron internetowych i aplikacji w celach marketingowych (obejmujących zautomatyzowaną analizę Twojej aktywności na stronach internetowych i aplikacjach w celu określenia Twoich potencjalnych zainteresowań w celu dostosowania reklamy i oferty), w tym umieszczanie znaczników internetowych (plików "cookies" itp.) na Twoich urządzeniach oraz odczytywanie takich znaczników, proszę kliknij przycisk „Akceptuję wszystkie”.

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Oferta pracy

4P Manager Devices - rekrutacja online

Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska Dodano: 2024-06-20 | ID oferty: 2212812

We have an exciting opportunity to join the Go-to-Market team of our Client and fill a role of 4P Manager / Product Manager responsible for consumer categories sold in mass market and through telco operators channel.

Are you ready to shape the future of innovative products and make a significant impact on a big-scale business? Join the team!

4P Manager DevicesMiejsce pracy: Warszawa

Key Responsibilities:

  • Drive Market Expansion: Create and execute a comprehensive go-to-market (GTM) strategy to expand our product reach.
  • Lifecycle Mastery: Manage the entire product lifecycle and develop cutting-edge promotion strategies to maximize sales and meet company KPIs.
  • Launch Coordination: Collaborate with the marketing team to synchronize product launch timelines for maximum impact.
  • Strategic Optimization: Continuously optimize our product portfolio and address market challenges with innovative solutions.
  • Segment-Specific Strategies: Tailor portfolio strategies to meet the unique needs of different market segments.
  • Efficiency Enhancement: Develop and manage efficient line-up portfolio plans, focusing on market response and performance improvements.
  • Profit Analysis: Set product/service launch timelines by analyzing target quantities, profit, and loss, in collaboration with the marketing department.
  • Pricing Strategy: Devise strategic pricing operations for each segment and model.
  • Material Utilization: Minimize leftover materials by setting appropriate discontinuation timelines and plans to utilize existing resources.

What We Expect:

  • Expertise: Bring your extensive experience and creativity to resolve a wide range of issues.
  • Analytical Prowess: Use your strong analytical skills to tackle diverse problems and make informed decisions.
  • Autonomy: Thrive with minimal day-to-day instructions and excel in new assignments.
  • Collaboration:Proven track record in working seamlessly with operator markets.
  • Experience: At least 3 years of experience in Consumer Product Lifecycle, ideally in telco categories
  • Impact: A unique opportunity to significantly influence our business.
  • Communication: Excellent command of English and Polish.

What We Offer:

  • Competitive Compensation: Employment contract with a competitive salary and bonus system.
  • Comprehensive Benefits: Enjoy a wide range of benefits including a sports card, medical healthcare package, life insurance, access to the Employee Purchase Program, dental care, and a company car.
  • Flexible Work Model: Benefit from our hybrid work model.
  • Innovative Projects: Work on ambitious projects that drive the industry forward.
  • Professional Growth: Gain practical knowledge in a market-leading company.
  • Dynamic Team: Join a dynamic and friendly team that fosters collaboration.
  • Technical Innovation: Stay at the cutting edge with access to the latest technical innovations.

Ready to take the next step in your career? Apply now and become a key player in our success story!

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